Hi, friend! I’m Lucy.

I help busy women like you reclaim your time & energy, uncomplicate your life, and live with more joy through habits you'll actually keep.

Welcome to my virtual living room

My mission is to help you design routines that feel nourishing, not punishing.

Rituals that feel simple and sustainable. Habits that honour the season of life you’re in and your natural energy cycles. And small, one-percent changes that lead to beautiful results.

Here’s the thing: You don’t need complex routines with endless steps, or to cram your days with MORE. What you really need are small, intentional habits that naturally fit into your life without feeling overwhelming.

That’s why I’m here!

Slow mornings, anything with a scalloped edge, natural skincare, needlepoint, and really fluffy dogs




Making life beautiful, prioritising wellness, soft productivity, embracing joy, slow & simple living


Hustle & grind culture, toxic productivity, forcing willpower, ignoring our life seasons & cycles

Agree? We’re probably a great fit.

A little bit of backstory…

I know the struggle of feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, while deeply wishing for more time and energy for what matters most. I was there too…

Put simply? I stopped trying to live a life designed for someone else, and started crafting one that worked for me… one that felt soft, not exhausting.

Your journey might be similar or wildly different from mine…

…but I know we have this in common: we both crave a life that's beautiful and fulfilling, without the exhaustion and overwhelm.

You aren’t going to settle for a life that's just about getting through each day. But at the same time you want it to feel soft and spacious.

So, as your Habit Stylist, with over 6 years of research and experiments under my belt, my mission is to help you weave those small, intentional habits into your life. Habits that not only fit your current season of life, but give you more time and energy for what matters most.

And I do all of this with a deep understanding of what it's like to juggle a limited energy + time budget.

Back to you!

Just For Fun

My Favourite Things


Dorset, England

My husband and I married in 2020 and recently moved to beautiful Dorset.


Making lists & taking notes

I dog-ear pages in books, write in the margins, devour notebooks and have sticky notes scattered everywhere


Traditional, classic interiors

My prized possession is a beautiful ginger jar given to me by my parents⁠.


Classical Pianist

I trained and performed as a classical pianist throughout school and into my early twenties.


Without fail…

I sneeze when I eat dark chocolate. I thought it was normal. Apparently it’s not.


Anything by Nancy Meyers

I had The Parent Trap on repeat growing up.


Ready for your beautiful living era?


I’m on YouTube!

(somewhat sporadically…)