

The Screen Time Edit.

Intentional Living in the Digital Age

A mindful habits course to help you live distraction-free, cultivate joyful, screen-free habits and find more time for the the things that matter most to you. This isn't about disconnecting from the modern world—it's about reconnecting with your life.

Is your life ready for an analog, pixel-free (ish) makeover?

Quiet the noise, reclaim your time and feel more present in your life?


If you’re tired of the digital overwhelm, and crave a more intentional and connected life, this is for you.

What is your screen time costing you right now?

Your Time?

You've got dreams in your back pocket and a life to savour. But time seems to keep vanishing and your productivity is suffering.

Your Calm?

You're craving inner calm, but it's drowned out by the digital noise and your nervous system feels in overdrive.

Your Focus & Clarity?

Your mind feels cluttered with notifications, news feeds, and noise and you have trouble staying focused and keeping a clear head.

Your Presence & Joy?

You're often there but not "there." You don’t feel like you’re soaking in the small and beautiful moments in your life in the way you want to or fully present for your relationships.

And I know that you’ve already put in the work to try and find more screen/life balance and spend less time on your screens…

…but let’s be honest, it’s HARD!

• You've read (and dog-eared) books on digital minimalism, but struggle to apply the principles to your daily life. 

You've set a bedtime, aiming for a full eight hours of sleep, but still find yourself scrolling under the covers, Googling random topics or checking emails past midnight.

• You've set aside time for deep work, but you find yourself tab-switching, checking social media, or responding to 'urgent' emails, never quite reaching that state of flow.

You've bought those gorgeous recipe books, but they're sitting pretty on your shelf while you scroll for quick and easy recipes online instead. 

You've set up a reading nook, vowing to devour that pile of 'to-read' books, but your phone or the TV often wins the battle for your attention.

• You've diligently set screen time limits, and they work—until they don't. And before you know it, dismissing those screen time notifications becomes second nature.

You've set the intention for more romantic, phone-free evenings, but more often than not, both of you end up scrolling side-by-side on the sofa, making your phone an unwelcome third wheel in your relationship.

• You've tried screen-free Sundays, but come Monday, you're back in the same cycle, feeling stuck in a screen time loop.

If any of this resonates, know that you're not alone. 

And truly, it's not your fault.

We're navigating a digital world that's designed to keep us hooked. And while technology has many perks and can add so much value to our lives (I'm not asking you to live off-grid and ditch your phone, don't worry!), it's evolved so quickly, we've hardly had a moment to step back and consider how it fits into our life. 

So consider this your invitation to pause and take stock. This course is your roadmap to a more balanced, intentional and mindful life, with less screen time and more 'you'.

So let me introduce:

The Screen Time Edit.

The Screen Time Edit is a self-paced course designed for those who want to break free from digital overwhelm and rediscover the beauty of intentional, mindful living.

This isn't simply a digital detox. It’s your roadmap to quiet the distractions, embrace mindful habits, and cultivate a deeper connection with the world around you… for good.

Are you ready to live by design, not distraction?


When you sign up, you'll get:

  • Immediate access to the course so you can dive in straight away

  • A library of resources including printables, journal prompts, reading lists, audio affirmations and more

  • Stress-free learning! You can take the course at your own pace, from the comfort of your sofa, and there's no need to worry about attending live calls 

  • Video lessons for each module with audio and transcripts to support different learning styles

  • Beautifully designed workbooks, cheat sheets, and other materials

  • Lifetime access to the course so you can return and apply the method in different seasons of your life (plus access to any future course updates!)


What You'll Learn


Cultivating Awareness

Get crystal clear on how your screen time habits and distractions are impacting your life: your time, energy and emotions, and why.

In this module you'll learn:

   ➞ The real reason you’ve struggled to reduce your screentime in the past (spoiler alert: it’s not your fault!)

   ➞ The Screen Time Audit tool - an exercise that reveals the sneaky ways your relationship with technology is affecting your time, energy and emotions.

   ➞ Self-exploration exercises to help you uncover your hidden motivations for scrolling and the patterns keeping you stuck in distraction. We’re all different, so this will ensure the actions you take throughout this course are tailored to you.


Your Future Self: Life Beyond The Screen

Identify what really matters to you, get clear on your priorities and visualise your life with less screen time, and more YOU.

In this module you'll learn:

  ➞ Why relying on willpower isn't enough to reduce your screen time and create lasting change (and what to do instead!)

➞ The powerful Future Self exercise to get crystal clear on what matters to YOU, reconnect with your true self (away from all the noise, chatter and comparison) and fall in love with your life.

➞ Identify your top priorities for this season of your life and your personal metrics of success

➞ My Magic Question to help you reduce your screen time with more ease and keep you motivated and inspired


Mindful Habits & Intentional Living

Let go of distractions, and start living with more intention through the power of habit and design.

In this module you'll learn:

➞ The Habit Swap Formula - a step-by-step method to let go of unwanted screen time habits and establish new, purposeful habits that infuse your life with joy and meaning.

➞ The Design Principles - how to embrace the power of design to reduce your screen time.

➞ Exactly where to focus your time and attention each day.

➞ To master the art of selective attention and how to use it to lessen tech-induced overwhelm and anxiety.


Rhythm & Routine: Designing Your Day

Consistently show up for your future self, quiet the distractions with ease and live with more spaciousness and calm.

In this module you'll learn:

➞ The Wake-Up and Unwind Rituals to begin and end your day with more intention, more joy and more calm.

➞ The toolkit for increasing your focus, becoming more present and engaging in deep work.

➞ How to set and hold digital boundaries to keep those non-stop interruptions at bay.

➞ My step-by-step formula to design your simple, screen-free morning and evening routines.


Join today and you'll get instant access to these bonus goodies!

  • Designed to help you integrate the learning from the course and keep key mantras and motivations at the top of your mind, these beautiful, calming wallpapers will help keep you on track throughout the course, and beyond.

  • Designed to support you in releasing unwanted behaviours, shifting your thoughts and providing a source of motivation and inspiration to keep you on track throughout your screen time journey.

  • My curated library of books, podcasts and other resource recommendations to give you even more insight and inspiration to help you live by design, not distraction.


Get started today

Choose the plan that best suits you:

payment options

One time
For 2 months

(approx. USD$85 for full payment)

• More balance, contentment and fulfilment?

More present and meaningful moments with loved ones?

• More time in nature than behind a screen?

No more social media comparisons?

• Falling back in love with your own life?

More time and focus for the things that truly light you up?

• Breaking free from the status quo and elevating your life?

More joy in the simple things?

• More spaciousness and calm in your days?

What does your “beautiful life, less scrolled” look like?

your mindful tech & INTENTIONAL living GUIDE

Hi, I'm Lucy!

Like you, I've felt it too - the constant pull of the screen, the inability to focus on my work, falling into the comparison hole on social media and feeling totally inadequate, the doomscrolling, the disconnect from the present moment and missing out on the simple joys that make life beautiful.

My life was missing something so important, but so often overlooked in our modern world: the ability to live with intention and by design in the digital world.

And as soon as I realized this, back in 2019, I began my first Screen Time Edit. I knew I was craving more—more connection, more beauty, more intentionality. So, from that moment, I was dogged in my pursuit to bring screen/life balance back to my life. 

I couldn’t make up for lost time, but I could reshape what was next.

But I soon learned that the typical 'quick fixes' I’d read about in articles and books didn’t cut it. Airplane mode, turning off notifications, setting time limits? They weren’t the whole picture.

That's when I went deeper. I researched, experimented, and finally crafted a screen time blueprint that has led to me living a much more intentional and mindful life, with less scrolling and more living. And I'm passionate about helping you do the same.

Lucy x

The Screen Time Edit is for those who want:

Less distraction + more connection

Less noise + more calm

More sunlight + less screen light

More deep + less shallow

Less consumption + more creation


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Absolutely! The fee is quoted in £GBP but will be changed to your local currency at checkout.

  • It’s for anyone who knows that their current relationship with technology isn't serving them and who seeks a better screen/life balance.

  • You have lifetime access to the course! So you can return and apply the method in different seasons of your life.

    You will also have automatic updates to future course updates and new bonuses.

  • Digital distraction is a symptom. I'm here to help you get to the root and clear it for good.

    This course isn't about simply 'putting your phone on airplane mode' or 'turning on Do Not Disturb'. It's a roadmap built for long-term, sustainable change.

  • Yes! You'll have the option to choose a 2-month payment plan when you sign up.

  • Due to the digital nature and entire access of this product, we are unable to offer refunds. Please buy mindfully.

Get started today

Choose the plan that best suits you:

payment options

One time
For 2 months

(approx. USD$85 for full payment)